Destination Wealth Management (DWM) was included in Barron’s 2020 list of America’s “Top 100 RIA Firms”. Participation in Barron's 2020 rankings was by invitation only and limited to firms that satisfied minimum eligibility requirements. Using a proprietary formula, Barron’s evaluated and ranked advisors based on a wide range of data including but not limited to: assets under management (AUM); revenue generated by the firm; level of technology spending; number of clients; regulatory record; size and makeup of staff; client retention; and placement of a succession plan.
Some 200 firms were nominated for the 100 ranking spots. Only firms with over $1Billion AUM were considered. The scoring system for Barron’s assigned a top score of 100 and rated the rest of the firms by comparing them with the top-ranked advisor. Barron’s based rankings on data provided by advisory firms. Destination Wealth Management provided data to Barron’s in the form of a survey response. Barron’s verified the publicly available data via regulatory databases (including Discovery Data), cross-checks with securities firms, conversations with individual advisors and review of Form ADV. A ranking of “NR” indicates the advisor was not ranked in the specified year.
Investment performance is not directly factored into Barron’s 2020 “Top 100 RIA Firms” rankings as performance is directly affected by a clients risk tolerance; instead, assets and revenues were used as measures to indicate whether or not an advisor was providing value to their clients. Ranking on this list is not representative of the quality of services provided to clients and is not indicative of DWM’s past or future performance. Third-party rankings and recognitions are no guarantee of future investment success and do not ensure that a client or prospective client will experience a certain level of results or satisfaction if DWM is engaged. These ratings should not be construed as a current or past endorsement by DWM or any DWM clients.
Neither DWM nor DWM employees paid a fee to be nominated or included in the Barron’s ranking list. No organizational memberships were required of DWM or related individuals. DWM is not aware of any facts that would call into question the validity of the ranking or the appropriateness of advertising inclusion in this list. Barron’s is a registered trademark of Dow Jones & Company, L.P. All rights reserved.