George Chin |

ETF Assets

For this week’s update I thought it might be helpful to give more details on what an exchange-traded fund (ETF) is. In many strategies at

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George Chin |

DWM Investment Process
Our process has been developed over many decades and includes the following components:

  • Fundamental analysis: examining cash flow
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George Chin |

Too often people focus on headline numbers in analyzing market returns. In many cases, markets that are measured by indices are reflective of significant

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George Chin |

The direction of interest rates is directly tied to inflation numbers. As of late, inflation seems to be moderating which is why yields have dropped so

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George Chin |

Headlines scream that markets are hitting all-time highs. Technology continues an incredible run that has not been seen in many years. Some are saying, "This

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George Chin |

This week’s audio update is focused on the role of disruptive technology assets in investment portfolios. It’s an important topic considering the buzz

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George Chin |

As certain stocks hit all-time highs, it’s important to recognize that a diversified portfolio tends not to invest just in high volatility names. While it

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George Chin |

Last week’s CPI report showed a slight increase in CPI. While markets reacted positively to the news, there is still significant uncertainty regarding the

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George Chin |

AI is the topic of the year and will be for the foreseeable future. Artificial intelligence is driving returns for technology stocks, moving into this

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