George Chin |

We oftentimes lose sight of all the sacrifices made by many for the freedoms we value today. We owe Veterans a salute and thoughts of gratitude.

While we are

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George Chin |

The pain continues for buyers of real estate and those seeking to refinance. Recently, interest rates hit a multi-year high in the real estate market.

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George Chin |

In this week’s update, I’ll talk about a subject near and dear to everyone’s heart: performance. 

It’s been a challenging couple of years in the equity and

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George Chin |

As we expected, the Federal Reserve continued to pause its interest rate hiking activity. Instead, they focused on warning the market that more rate increases

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George Chin |

With mortgage rates hitting multi-year highs, the real estate market continues to struggle. It is not because there are no buyers; there are. However, more

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George Chin |

I have no doubt you have read about the tragedy in Maui and those that have been significantly impacted by fires on the island. Several of you have reached

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