Communication Updates

Destination Wealth Management |

This week’s update is simply an index of the communications over the course of the last few months as we have all dealt with this pandemic. 

As you know, I have been providing twice weekly updates including a video and a written Common Sense update. I thought it might be interesting for you to see an overall list and provide an easy way for you to review any updates that you have not had a chance to view. 

Week 1
   a. Commentary: DWM Common Sense 3.16.20: DWM Operational Plan and Helping Those in Need-
   b. Commentary: DWM Common Sense 3.17.20: Questions and Answers-
   c. Video Update: 
   d. Commentary: DWM Common Sense 3.20.20: Recession

Week 2
   a. Commentary: DWM Common Sense 3.23.20: More Questions and Answers-
   b.Video Update:
   c. Commentary: DWM Common Sense 3.26.20: Massive Stimulus Plan-

Week 3
   a. Commentary: DWM Common Sense 3.30.20: More Questions and Answers-
   b. Video Update:
   c. Commentary: DWM Common Sense 4.02.20: The Economic and Market Shock of the Pandemic-

Week 4
   a. Commentary: DWM Common Sense 4.07.20: Economy, Markets, and Investment Strategy-
   b. Video Update:
   c. Commentary: DWM Common Sense 4.09.20: Buy? Sell? Buy? Sell?-

Week 5
   a. Commentary: DWM Common Sense 4.13.20: Should Investors Again Be Euphoric?-
   b. Video Update: 
   c. Commentary: DWM Common Sense 4.16.20: The US Debt and Deficit-

Week 6
   a. Commentary: DWM Common Sense 4.21.20: 1918 Spanish Flu and Other Questions-
   b. Video Update:
   c. Commentary: DWM Common Sense 4.23.20: Dividends-

Week 7
   a. Commentary: DWM Common Sense 4.28.20: 2008 vs. 2020-
   b. Video Update-
   c. Commentary: DWM Common Sense 4.30.20: Federal Reserve and the Economy-

Week 8
   a. Commentary: DWM Common Sense 5.05.20: The U.S. Economy- 
   b. Video Update:
   c. Commentary: DWM Common Sense 5.07.20: Historic Unemployment Numbers-

Week 9 
   a. Commentary: DWM Common Sense 5.11.20: Questions and Answers- 
   b. Video Update:
   c. Commentary: DWM Common Sense 5.14.20: The Shape of Economic Recovery-

Week 10
   a. Commentary: DWM Common Sense 5.19.20: DWM Investment Process- 
   b. Video Update-

We will continue to provide twice weekly updates including video communications as long as needed during this pandemic. I have always been a believer that transparency and communication is important when working together and I believe this is especially critical in these uncertain times.

As a country begins to re-open, I am hopeful that the economy will restart in a meaningful way leading to recovery in economic activity. As you know, I expect the recovery to be slower than many expect. Still, I do expect a recovery.

Here are a few data points to watch for regarding the path of recovery:

  • Employment numbers
  • Airline traffic
  • Demand at theme parks
  • GDP slope
  • Vaccine updates
  • Mortality and morbidity rates

There are many other factors we assess on an ongoing basis, but these particular data points are often covered in the news and give indications as to the slope of the economic bounce back in the United States.

The opinions expressed herein are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended as investment advice. All investments involve risk, including loss of principal invested. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Individual client accounts may vary. Although the information provided to you on this site is obtained or compiled from sources we believe to be reliable, Destination Wealth Management cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy, validity, timeliness or completeness of any information or data made available to you for any particular purpose. Any links to other websites are used at your own risk.

The opinions expressed herein are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended as investment advice. All investments involve risk, including loss of principal invested. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Individual client accounts may vary. Although the information provided to you on this site is obtained or compiled from sources we believe to be reliable, Destination Wealth Management cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy, validity, timeliness or completeness of any information or data made available to you for any particular purpose. Any links to other websites are used at your own risk.